General admission

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Program in Economic and Public Policy (PEPP) [General admission]


CLOSED: Entrance Examination for October 2025 Admission

The Program in Economic and Public Policy (PEPP) at the University of Tsukuba is taught in English.  The academic year commences on October 1st. Students are accepted on to the program every year via an application window spanning the new year period. <Updated July 10, 2024>

December 2nd 2024 – January 17th 2025

* This page is for general admission and is for self-funding applicants, and applicants with scholarship funding from sources other than PEPP’s World Bank/Asian Development Bank scholarships. For example, applicants who plan to self-fund their studies, or applicants who have passed the screening process for MEXT or JICA scholarships are eligible to apply via this page.

*The application window for enrollment in October 2025 is now closed. The next application window for enrollment in October 2026 is tentatively scheduled to open in December 2025. This page will be updated later this year to reflect the application process for the new window. In the meantime, the details below are intended to serve as a general reference as to the flow of the application process.

Application Procedure: Program in Economic and Public Policy (PEPP) [General admission]* Updated July 23, 2024

To Apply, Applicants Must:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed 16 years of school education (up to undergraduate level), or be expected to earn a bachelor’s degree and complete 16 years of school education by September 30, 2025. A strong background in economics and associated quantitative methods (linear algebra, calculus and statistics) are required. Note: Applicants who have completed their university education in countries where formal schooling lasts less than 16 years, who are at least 22 years old, and who have spent at least one year in a research or similar institution, may also apply by filling out and submitting the provided form (Certificate of Research Activities).
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the English language by submitting a TOEFL score or other evidence deemed appropriate by the Graduate School. A TOEFL score of iBT100, PBT600, or higher is preferred for admission. If taking these exams proves unfeasible, equivalent proof of skills may be acceptable in the form of one of the following: 1) an alternative standardized test score (IELTs, TOEIC etc.); 2) a certificate issued by a relevant institution, current or former professor of the candidate; 3) a letter issued by a director in the current workplace of the candidate. Please note the Program will judge the suitability of any documents submitted as ‘equivalent proof’ and may request further details or evidence.

Application Instructions

Before starting the process, please double check you fulfill all eligibility requirements for PEPP, and read the Application Instructions below carefully.

Application instructions:
PEPP General Admission Application Instructions 2024-25
※ Updated Jul 23, 2024

Please note that all potential PEPP general admission applicants are required to make contact with the program director prior to making an application in order to obtain approval. To request approval to apply, please email your 1) research plan, 2) C.V., and 3) transcript to: naito [at] and pepp-cepgt [at] (please replace [at] with @).

UPDATE December 18, 2024 ★★Pre approval is no longer required this year★★

Screening and Admission Procedures

The screening process will be based upon the evaluation of all documentation and upon video interviews conducted by University of Tsukuba representatives. Eligible applicants will be contacted in order to arrange a date and time for a video interview. Applicants will be informed of the results as soon as possible, with official offer letters to be sent to successful applicants by both E-mail and traditional postal mail.

Successful applicants will also be sent information on how to enroll. To complete enrollment, admission fees must be paid in advance (see the Enrollment Guidebook for details). PEPP Orientation seminars will be held towards the end of September 2025. For general information and reference: Enrollment Guidebook for International Students (AY 2025-2026).

Application Fees


Applicants must pay 30,000 yen application fees. Applications without payment of application fees will not be considered.

Applicants can pay application fees using one of the following three methods.

Online Payment –  Individuals can pay application fees online using a credit card via the following link (available once the application window opens): application fee payment. After completing the payment procedure, please ensure you make a PDF or take a screenshot of the ‘payment complete’ page as proof of payment.

NOTE: Online payment is available for all applicants (including residents of Japan).

Other Payment options (only for residents of Japan)
Financial institutions  –  Japan Post Bank (Post Office), Regular Banks, Credit Associations, JA, and Other Financial Institutions. Obtain a money transfer form (haraikomi toriatsukaihyō) provided by our university (5-page form) by post as follows.  Prepare a no.3 long size envelope. Write your postal code, address and name on it and attach an 110 yen stamp (this will enable the office to send the money transfer form to you as return post).  Enclose it in the no.3 size envelope, together with a note stating: “request for money transfer form”, and send everything to the following address:

Division of Graduate School Admission, Department of Educational Promotion
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan

  • <Japan Post Bank (Post Office)> Fill out the applicant’s name, address and telephone number by using a black or blue ball pen in the “payer” space (marked with ※) of each paper in the money transfer form. Please make sure that the form is filled out by the applicant (himself/herself) and write down Furigana for both alphabetic and Chinese characters. Also write down the name of the program you are applying for on the form.
  • <Regular Banks, Credit Associations, JA, and Other Financial Institutions> If you are making the payment to the designated bank account of the University of Tsukuba, fill out the applicant’s name, address and telephone number by using a black or blue ball pen in the “payer” space (marked with ※) of each paper in the money transfer form.  Please make sure that the form is filled out by the applicant (himself/herself) and write down Furigana for both alphabetic and Chinese characters.  Also write down the name of the program you are applying for on the form.  For the recipient field in each form, please write down the name of the bank (“MUFG BANK, Ltd.” or “Joyo Bank”; see the back of the money transfer form), branch office, and account number.
  • Pay 30,000 yen with the form directly to the teller (no ATM transfer is accepted).
  • When you receive the receipt (yūbin furikae furikomikin juryōsho) and the certificate of payment slip for the money transfer (yūbin furikae furikomi uketsuke shōmeisho), please make sure they are stamped with the transfer date.
  • Upload a PDF or scanned copy of the certificate of payment slip to the OAS as proof of payment, before sending the original certificate of payment slip by post along with other necessary documents.
  • The applicant is responsible for any commission fees for the money transfer.

OAS (Online Application System)

UPDATE December 18, 2024 ★★Pre approval is no longer required this year★★

NOTE 1: regarding GRE scores:
GRE evidence is NOT required, but may be uploaded in the ‘(11) Certificate(s) of Other Education or Training’ section as a supporting document (please do not ask for test scores to be sent to the university).
NOTE 2: regarding applicants who have not yet graduated: Please ask your current university to provide an official document confirming: a) you are currently a student, and b) the expected date of your graduation. This document should be uploaded to the ‘Diploma’ section of ‘Required Documents’ on the OAS.

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